35. Projects¶
The project creation page allows users to add, edit and manipulate projects that they have access to. Each project consists of 8 main elements which you can find in the Project Menu as well as sharing controls.
General - incorporates basic metadata including the reference dataset, a description and allows users to set the extent of the dashboard.
Indicators – connects data stored in GeoSight to the project, allowing for it to be analyzed by tools such as widgets and filters.
Indicator Layers - allows administrators to control the front-end display of the dashboard, as well as tailor indicator visualization to project specific requirements.
Context Layers - allows users to add, group and remove additional geospatial that is connected to via API.
Basemaps - allows administrators to add, group and remove additional basemaps such as Open Street Maps and satellite imagery.
Filters – stores tools that enable front-end users to display administrative areas that meet a specific set of criteria for a given indicator. Can also enable front-end users to make their own filters.
Widgets – allows administrators to create non-geospatial summaries of different data points or indicators.
Related tables – enables users to connect related tables to the project as well as filter the data so it can be added as indicator layers.
Share - controls the ability of users, groups or the public to access the project.