38. Indicators¶
The Indicator Page allows for users to see, catalog and manage indicators they have control over.
A name, color rule and basic information is applied before any data is imported. In pursuit of open data sharing and ease of access, Indicators are formatted so data can exist across multiple dimensions (time and geographical location/reference dataset) within one common indicator as opposed to repeating indicators for separate countries.
Indicators are standard across GeoSight, and for the purposes of data management are treated as buckets where all data for each and every country can be added to. As such, users should only create indicators if they do not already exist.
Accessible indicators are highlighted with blue text.
38.1 Indicator Editing¶
The indicator creation page allows users to add, edit and manipulate indicators that they have access to. Remember, any changes made to an indicator on this page are global. Project specific changes should be done under the “Indicator Layers” section of the project creation page. Creating an indicator requires 5 different elements.
General – metadata including a name, description, short code and category.
Aggregation - determines if/how data will be aggregated across administrative boundaries as well as time.
Style – determines the visualization and front-end display of an indicator.
Labels - determines if/how a label looks on a project for each administrative area.
Share – allows those with access to control, add and remove permissions for users, groups and the public.
38.1.1 Indicator Repetition Tool¶
As a part of the data management strategy of GeoSight, the goal is to prevent indicator repetition as all data should be stored within the same indicator across time series and geographies.
Because of this, GeoSight has a tool developed to prevent this and alert users of similar indicators during the creation process.
This tool will be activated when users enter a name for their indicator. GeoSight will then compare the similarity of the name/indicator details to the one you are creating as a way to help users determine whether or not this indicator already exists.