32. The Dashboard pageΒΆ
The Dashboard page is where users can interact with the final GeoSight dashboards. The Dashboard page consists of the following key elements:
- Left panel - contains a list of Indicator Layers, Context Layers and Filters.
- Map window - is used to visualize Indicator Layers, Context Layers and Basemaps along with map legend, map disclaimer and Time Slider.
- Widget panel - shows widgets that display summary data.
- Map toolbar - contains a number of tools for interacting with the map and side panels. Users can change Date/Time settings, admin level, switch between 2D/3D modes etc.
- Top panel - depending on privileges users can enter the Edit mode, open Admin panel, open the Help Center or access their Profile page.
- Basemaps - provide underlaying views that include road maps and satellite data for the indicators to be superimposed upon.