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Access Request

Access Home

  1. Access Request: Users can click on this tab to access the Action Request page.

Access Request Home

  1. Search Bar: Users can use this search bar to search for the Permission Request.

  2. Create new request: Allows users to create new request.

  3. Column headers: Users can sort the table data in ascending or descending order by clicking on the header of the respective column.

  4. Data Table: Users can view all the requests in the table.

Create New Request


  1. X: Allows users to close the form.

  2. Description: Users are required to provide a brief description of the request.

  3. Email: Users are required to provide their verified email address otherwise the request will not be submitted.


    • Error: Users will receive the following error message if they do not provide their verified email address. Users can close this alert message by clicking on the x icon.

    • Success: Users will receive the success message if the request is successfully submitted. Users can close this alert message by clicking on the x icon.

  4. Cancel: Allows users to cancel the request.

  5. Submit: After filling on the details click on this button to submit the request.

View Request

View Request

  1. Submitted Date: Click on the submitted date, which works as a link. This will redirect users to a new page where they can view all the details associated with that particular request.

    Request Details

    • Status: Current status of the request.

    • Name: Name of the person who submitted the request.

    • Email: Email address of the person who submitted the request.

    • Submitted at: The date on which the request was submitted.

    • Description: Associated description with request.

    • Approved by: Email address of the person who approved the request.

    • Approved at: The date on which the request was approved.

    • Remarks: Remarks associated with the request.

Request Status


  1. PENDING: Indicates that request is not approved yet.

  2. APPROVED: Indicates that request has been approved by the admin.

Success Email

  • Users will receive the following email when their request is approved.


  1. Click here to go to GeoSight: By clicking on this users will be redirected to the GeoSight.

Modify Column Visibility

Three Dots

  1. Three Dots dots: Click on the three dots to modify the column visibility. This will open a dropdown menu.


  • Unsort: Click on this to unsort the table.

  • Sort by ASC: Click on this to sort the table in ascending order.

  • Sort by DESC: Click on this to sort the table in descending order.

  • Filter: By clicking on this, users can filter the table based on the column they want to filter.


    • To apply the filter first select the Column from the dropdown, then choose the operator from the next dropdown, and finally enter the value in the text box. To close the filter, click on the X icon.
  • Hide: Click on this to hide the respective column.

  • Show Columns: By clicking on this users can select which columns they want to display.

    Show Column

    • Find Column: Users can use this search field to search for the specific column.

    • Toggle Button button: Users can toggle the visibility of the column by clicking on this button.

    • Hide all: Hide all the columns.

    • Show all: Show all the columns.