Here's the revised version with "users" replaced by "you":
24. Projects¶
The project creation page allows you to add, edit, and manipulate projects that you have access to. Each project consists of eight main elements, which you can find in the Project Menu, as well as sharing controls.
General – Incorporates basic metadata, including the reference dataset and a description, and allows you to set the extent of the dashboard.
Indicators – Connects data stored in GeoSight to the project, allowing it to be analysed by tools such as widgets and filters.
Indicator Layers – Allows administrators to control the front-end display of the dashboard, as well as tailor indicator visualisation to project-specific requirements.
Context Layers – Allows you to add, group, and remove additional geospatial data that is connected via API.
Basemaps – Allows administrators to add, group, and remove additional basemaps such as OpenStreetMap and satellite imagery.
Filters – Stores tools that enable you to display administrative areas that meet a specific set of criteria for a given indicator. You can also create your own filters.
Widgets – Allows administrators to create non-geospatial summaries of different data points or indicators.
Related Tables – Enables you to connect related tables to the project and filter the data so it can be added as indicator layers.
Share – Controls your ability, as well as that of groups or the public, to access the project.