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13. Indicator Layers

An important and project specific feature is that GeoSight individually considers the indicator itself from its given representation and display as a global layer.

This difference can be noted by the inclusion of both the Indicator panel and Indicator Layer panel.

  • The Indicator panel allows indicators to be connected to the project for the data. Users can connect and create widgets and filters, as well as perform any data analysis.

  • Indicator Layers are for the visualization of layers within the project. Users can manually create specific changes to the individual instance that do not impact the indicator site wide.

The eye symbol represents the chosen indicator layer that will first visualize when the project is opened. Alt text

Types of Indicator Layers include:

  • Single Layers are for visualizing single and simple indicators. They are the base type of Indicator Layer, and simply display one dataset and within the chosen reference dataset.
  • Multi-Indicator Layers are analysis tools that visualize multiple layer values in proportion to one another via pie or bar charts. a. When defining this style, users will be prompted to select the desired indicators as well as determine one appropriate color for that indicator.

  • Dynamic Layers are customizable layers that can be created by using a custom expression tailored by user feedback.

    a. Users will be prompted to define SQL expressions that allow for data to be filtered and selected from other datasets for visualization.

  • Related Tables are layers that allow for Splicing and the manipulation of previously uploaded related tables. See Related Tables for more details.

13.1 Configuring Indicator Layers

Users can access and view indicator layers within the Indicator Layer panel of projects. By selecting the Configuration option, users can control General Information (Name, Administrative Levels), Styles and Labels

13.1.1 General

  1. Users can change the name as well as the description

    a. For example, if the indicator description indicates one source, but the given layer is from a different context.

  2. Select Override admin level configuration which will allow users to override the project admin level configuration and dictate it on a layer specific basis.

    a. Default level determines the level the layer first visualizes at.

    b. Available levels determine which levels the layer can be switched to.

13.1.2 Styles

Users can control styles so that they are specific to a project's visualization and data.

  1. Users can change a style by selecting Override style from indicator

  2. Select the Style Type

    a. Style Library allows you to select a defined style/color rules.

    b. Predefined style/color rules allow users to create their own color rules specific to that layer.

13.1.3 Labels

Users are able to set layer specific labels that are unique to this individual instance. See Creating Indicators for more details.

13.1.4 Pop-Ups

Pop-Ups are useful tools that appear when a specific polygon/administrative area is selected. They display all aspects of the appropriate dataset and provide metadata information that is not available by the visualization of an indicator.

To configure Pop-Ups

  1. Select the Pop-Ups tab

  2. Users can change the Alias or name of the field in the Pop-Up

  3. They can Turn OFF the field by clicking the check box

  4. They can control the data type

  5. To customize the Pop-Up, users can click Customize and adjust the code of the display if desired.

13.1.5 Expression (Dynamic Indicator Layers ONLY)

Dynamic indicators require a bit of skill, as they necessitate that users develop custom expressions by using the coding language Jinja, similar to Python.

These layers can mathematically compare layers and/or provide customizable weighting for end-users. A complex guide is provided to users and can be found on the page.

  1. Select the Expression tab

  2. Enter a valid expression.

An example expression that compares two indicators (A & B) while allowing for an exposed variable to adjust the weight, resulting in customizable values:

{% set a = (context.values['SOM_TEST2_IND_A']) %} –> A = Indicator A

{% set b = (context.values['SOM_TEST2_IND_B']) %} -> B = Indicator B

{% set i = (context.values['Increase']) %} -> Exposed Variable

{% set result = (a + b) + ((a + b) * i / 100) %} -> Mathematical Expression

{{ result }} -> Display Result

  1. Decide on a (if any) exposed variable.

    a. A front-end customizable value that users can use to adjust the outputs of your chosen expression.

    b. This can be used as an example of an independent indicator, or weight that users can use to measure severity, and see how results may change.

13.2 Configuring Multi-Indicator Layers

To create multi-Indicator layers, navigate to the Indicator Layer tab under project managemnt (See Analysis Tools for more details)

  1. Select Add Indicator Layer and then Multi Indicators Layer in the pop-up

  2. Complete the filter to select your indicators, it is identical to other layer filters such as time series widgets (see Widgets for more details)

    a. Determine the color by using the color selection tool (see Styles for more details).

  3. Determine the chart type and size

    a. Users can display a pie chart or bar chart

    b. Size can be standardized or flexible.

  4. Apply any visualization changes (it is same process as all other layers).