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45. Building the dev environment

This section covers the process of building and running the application from your IDE.

🚩 Make sure you have gone through the IDE Setup Process before following these notes.

Press Ctrl -> P 1️⃣ and then >and search for Rebuild. Select Dev Containers: Rebuild and Reopen in Container2️⃣. This will essentially mount your code tree inside a docker container and switch the development context of VSCode to be inside the container where all of the python etc. dependencies will be installed.


If the option above is not visible, you can click on the bell icon in the bottom-right corner (1). If the DevContainers extension is already installed, an option to Reopen in Container will appear (2). Simply click on this option, and it will automatically build the development containers for you.


Once the task is running, a notification 1️⃣ will be shown in the bottom right of the VSCode window. Clicking in the notification will show you the setup progress 2️⃣. Note that this make take quite a while depending on the internet bandwidth you have and the CPU power of your machine.


At the end of this process, you will see a message like this:

[229365 ms] Port forwarding 53251 > 46727 > 46727 terminated with code 0 and signal null.

Once you see that, you can continue the next step below.

45.1 Open a dev container terminal

Open terminal within the dev container context by clicking the +icon in the terminal pane 1️⃣. The new terminal 2️⃣ will show up in the list of running terminals 3️⃣


45.2 Run django migration

cd /home/web/project/django_project
python manage.py migrate

45.3 Create super user

cd /home/web/project/django_project
python manage.py createsuperuser

During this process you will be prompted for your user name (defaults to root), email address and a password (which you need to confirm). Complete these as needed.

45.4 Run application

After completing the steps above, You need to run the app.
Click Run and Debug button 1️⃣ and then select Django + React 2️⃣. After it is selected, click Start Debugging 3️⃣.


After run, it will open 2 tab in the right bottom. React 1️⃣ and Python Debug 2️⃣. You need to wait Python debug to finish by saying Quit the server with CONTROL-C.3️⃣,


And for React, you need to wait until it shows below message.


45.5 Viewing your test instance

After completing the steps above, you should have the development server available on port 2000 of your local host:



The site will be rather bare bones since it will need to be configured in the admin area to set up the theme etc.

45.6 Run demo data

GeoSight has demo data that can be restored.

To restore demo data:

cd django_project/
python manage.py loaddata core/fixtures/demo/1.core.json
python manage.py loaddata core/fixtures/demo/2.geosight_georepo.json
python manage.py loaddata core/fixtures/demo/3.geosight_data.json
The demo data is using https://georepo.unicef.org/api/v1/, so change the georepo url and it's config to that API. To change it, do the next step.

45.7 Setup the georepo config

Now to make site working properly, we need to put our georepo config in django admin.

First, we need to login to site.


Put username 1️⃣ and password 2️⃣ based on what we create before on phase Create super user


After logged in, click "white circle" on the top-right 1️⃣ and click django admin 2️⃣.


Find Site preferences 1️⃣ and click it and find GeoRepo section 2️⃣. Uncheck Georepo using user api key if you want to not force user to put their own georepo api key, instead using GeoSight api key 3️⃣.


First you need to decide which georepo instance you are going to use. Put in Georepo url input with /api/v1

Example, we are going to use https://staging-georepo.unitst.org/ So the GeoRepo url is https://staging-georepo.unitst.org/api/v1


There are 2 types of georepo api key, which is level 1 and level 4. You can ask georepo admin to provide those 2 key or you can put your own api key for both of those.

To do that, you can go to /profile. In this case, it is https://staging-georepo.unitst.org/profile And you can check documentation how to generate it. https://unicef-drp.github.io/GeoRepo-OS/user/api/guide/#generating-an-api-key

One user can just have 1 api key, so for that you can put the same api key to level 1 and level 4. So, you can fill Georepo api key level 1 and level 4 with your api key 1️⃣ and Georepo api key level 1 email and level 4 email with your email in georepo 2️⃣.


Then click save button 1️⃣ in the most bottom of the page and the site is ready.


🪧 Now that you have the built the project, move on to the Design documentation.