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14. Administrator Guide

14.1 Configure Site Name Settings

Go to the Django Admin Page and click on Sites tab.

Click on row example.org to go to the edit page.

Change the Domain name and the Display name and then click on the save button to save the changes.

14.2 Configure Unicef Group as Default Group for new Unicef User

Go to the Django Admin Page and click on Registered Domain tab.

Select the Unicef Group for domain unicef.org and then click on the Save button.

14.3 Configure Site Preferences

Go to the Django Admin Page and click on Site preferences tab.

Set the value of Maptiler api key that will be used for Map Preview in the dashboard application.

Set the value of Default admin emails that will be used for email notification when there is a new sign-up user request and permission access request. Example format: ["admin1@example.org", "admin2@example.org"].

14.4 Configure Languages

Go to the Django Admin Page and click on Languages tab.

Click on the Fetch Languages button to fetch languages (iso639_1) from this link.

14.5 Add Maintenance Message to the dashboard application

Go to the Django Admin Page and click on Maintenances tab.

Click on the Add maintenance button.

Fill in the message, scheduled from date, and scheduled end date (optional) and then click the Save button.

The maintenance message will be displayed in every page in the dashboard application as shown below.

To remove the maintenance message, select the item and then select Delete selected maintenances from the action dropdown and then click on the Go button.

You will be redirected to the confirmation page and click on the Yes, I'm sure button.

14.6 Visit Flower Monitoring Tools

Go to the Django Admin Page and click on Maintenances tab.

Click the Visit Celery Flower button to go to the task monitoring tools.

14.7 How to Add GeoSight API Keys to Dataset Permissions

Go to the dataset listing page and click on one of the datasets.

Go to the Permission Tab then to the User tab and click on the Add User button.

For a Level 4 API Key, select API_KEY GeoSight_lv_4 (Viewer) as the User, Read as the Permission, and a Privacy Level of 4 - Highly confidential. Click on the Save button to add the permission.

For a Level 1 API Key, select API_KEY GeoSight_lv_1 (Viewer) as the User, Read as the Permission, and a Privacy Level of 1 - Publicly shareable. Click on the Save button to add the permission.

Last update: October 5, 2023